
Disclaimer - Dr Kaberi is not associated with any Hosptial/Clinic other than "Advanced Fertility and Gyne Center (AFGC)". AFGC has only four centers at present 1. "Lajpat Nagar" 2. "CR Park Delhi" 3. "Noida" 4. "Gurgaon".

Our Donor Program

Donor IVF

As a prominent infertility centre in India, the primary objective of our Infertility center is to offer world class comprehensive Infertility Treatment Services. We offer our years of experience, expertise and latest Reproductive Technologies in the area of infertility to thou-sands of needy couples.

We also provide Donor Gametes and Surrogacy in case of absent or sperm count, poor egg quality , failure of other infertility treatment , absent uterus and a single woman desirous of pregnancy. In this, the person donates either ova or sperm to the recipient. Any healthy male aged between 21 and 40 years may be considered as a possible donor. Before using in the treatment, the donors a matched with the skin colour, height, eye colour, and any other parameter that is desired. We ensure that all our donors are healthy and necessary blood tests including tests for sexually transmitted diseases are carried out. Only when all these tests are cleared, can they be considered for our donor programme.


How to Move Ahead:

The following steps are performed in order to give an informed opinion and be in the best position to assist the patient to have a baby.

  • The completed medical information form along with the patient's case history and medical reports is sent to us.
  • The patient has to inform us the month in which they would like to plan the treatment with us.
  • The medication and treatment calendar is then prescribed by us.

Choosing Donor

Donor eggs are usually obtained from professional donors.
These donors are young and healthy. They have cleared all the basic blood investigations. Their egg reserves are very good. They may or may not be married. Some are college educated and some not. You can choose your donor according to your preferences.

The donor is matched according to height, weight, skin color, eye color and hair color and other physical characteristics. The attempt would be to make the child look as identical as the parents.

Our Success Rates

  • Depending on patient profile our success rate is about 40-60% / attempt and about 80-90% in 2-3 attempts.
  • Our IVF network has assisted in 10,000 babies born.

Process Of Egg Donation

  • The Donor is stimulated with gonadotropin injection for 10-12 days followed by ovum pick up.
  • The recipient is prepared with either lupron and estrogen tablets or estrogen tablets alone.
  • On the day of egg collection the husband semen sample is collected and the fertilization is done followed by embryo transfer 2-3 days later.

No. Of Visits And Time Required

The no. of visits may vary from 3-6 usually. The treatment would start 1 month prior to estimated IVF. Matching of donors' cycle with preparation of the endometrium takes about 2-6 weeks.

Protocols and Time Lines

The following are the various protocols followed. Please note that we can plan the treatment in such a way so that the couple needs to stay in India for as short as 3-5 days. The usual stay is about a week to 10 days.

LuprideProgynova Protocol

Plain Progynova Protocol

Time lines depend on the treatment plan decided which depends on the short or long protocol as suggested on opinion after evaluation of the patient's case, fertility history and medical reports. The patient is required to email us a detailed history of her previous pregnancies, fertility case and any procedure done so far. Typically in a short protocol the patient will need to visit us at the clinic on the day 8/9 of her periods and stay for about a week to 10 days for the total treatment. Also, they have to send us the attached form for complete information regarding medical and treatment information. Once the treatment plan is finalized we will make a medication and arrival calendar for the patient to follow.

Donor Services

Donor Eggs

In many cases, the egg quality is not good. This leads to failure of repeated cycles of treatment. In these cases using donor eggs treatment is the answer. There are also many women who have attained menopause however in these women uterus can be made healthy after hormonal preparation. Donor egg IVF would lead to very high chance of successful pregnancy. It maybe as high as 60% in the first attempt.

Donor Sperm

The indication of using Donor Sperms for Fertility Treatment is Azoospermia (nil sperm count), Low sperm count, Failure of treatment of Male Factor Infertility, and Single women desirous of pregnancy. Sperm Donation is available from Donor banks. These sperms are obtained from young healthy men who have been medically tested and all infections ruled out. The sperm is matched with height, skin colour, eye colour, and any other desirous parameter.


Surrogacy Services or Gestational Surrogacy is a method where the fertilized egg and sperm is placed inside the womb of another lady who will carry the pregnancy till term. This is reserved for single parents, women with absent uterus, defective uterus, poor endometrium lining, or women with repeated IVF failures.

The intending parents can either bring their own surrogate or the clinic through an agency can provide one. The Indian government guidelines on IVF surrogacy make it a legal process and the names of the intending parents go into the birth certificate. Currently the Indian Government only allows Indian citizens (both husband and wife) to undergo surrogacy in India.

Wide range of Donors

The Basic Qualifications of our Donors

  • All our donors/surrogates are between the ages of 19-29, in good health, and free of tobacco for the cycle. We do a strict check for street drugs. Urine tests will confirm this during the initial physical exam by the fertility Physician.
  • All of them are HIV and hepatitis negative.
  • Severely overweight Donors/Surrogates are not accepted
  • They must be able to commit to the entire process, and be able to demonstrate integrity and dependability throughout it.
  • They must be comfortable with their decision to assist an infertile couple or a single parent in conceiving a child.
  • If they are married, their Husband will also be required to sign a consent form regarding their decision.


The price of a donor IVF cycle for Indian egg donor depends on the kind of donor chosen and whether we are sharing the eggs. We also provide Caucasian and African donors. They are priced separately. You can get the pricing details from contact@advancefertility.in

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